What is 'Old World Videos'?
On our website you have the possibility to watch old videos from all countries of the world. You can also search for cities, regions, islands and other areas. For each country there are several clips, each showing different corners.

What are 'Oldworldvideos'?
Oldworldvideos show the world of the past. The videos do not come from us. We sift through videos from different channels on Youtube and filter out the most suitable ones for you. We embed the original clips on our website so that the creator gets every view and monetization. However, we are constantly expanding the archive to ensure the greatest possible variety.

How is quality assured?
Many clips on Youtube are misleadingly titled, have little variety, or have poor camera quality. Therefore, we sift through many videos from talented channel operators and archive the best clips on our site. This way we want to make sure that you get the most suitable videos for each search result.

What is 'OldworldvideosTV'?
With OldworldvideosTV you'll watch random clips from different countries one after another. This way you can be surprised, get new impressions and discover places you wouldn't have looked for before. You can skip videos at any time.

What do all the symbols mean?
BildShots from above
BildRecordings with authentic sound
BildWith music
BildWith commentary
BildShots while Driving
BildThe recordings are at least in HD quality
BildThe clip lasts at least 10 minutes. Sometimes the video can be much longer.